Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Healthy Winter Recipe That's Simple & Soooo Delicious! Hearty soup with potatoes, leeks, broccoli and lots of love. Enjoy as a main dish or side!

Its freezing outside! Good thing, I get to be indoors in my sweats working on my personal website...coming soon you guys! 

Because of the weather and my mood today..I just wanted some warm hearty soup.

So I made this delicious soup with potatoes, leeks, broccoli and lots of love. 

My recipe is much lower in calorie than the traditional potato soups with no butter or heavy cream. 
I promise you won't miss it..this healthier version is just as delicious!I always use skim milk and non-fat sour cream when possible to save on fat and calories. It tastes just as good to me!

I still recommend skim milk over whole milk to all my patients because I prefer less saturated fat in our diet.

Check out the recipe below:


-Peel 6 potatoes and boil them in a pot of water until soft
-Cut potatoes into cubes and set aside

In a large heavy pot do the following:

-Sautee the whites of 5 sliced leeks until light brown
-Add in 6 cloves of minced garlic
-Add in 1 bag of steamed brocolli (use fresh if available)
-Add in 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh thyme (can use dry as well)
-Add in 1 teaspoon dry oregano
-Cook until brocolli is bright green and soft
-Add in the potatoes
-Add in 4 cups of skim milk
-Add in 2 tablespoons of fat-free sour cream
-Add in 3 tablespoons of cream cheese
-Add in 1 1/2 cup of grated cheddar cheese
-Mix it all up
-Bring to a boil and then lower flame
-Cook until cheese is melted
-Pour it into a blender or use a hand blender to puree the mixture
-Add salt and pepper to taste
-Add in a small piece of toasted bread for a garnish with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese

Follow me on Instagram & Twitter: @Doctor_Deena 


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Holiday desserts don't have to be unhealthy and high calorie. Check out this healthy recipe for apple crisp made with olive oil and no butter!

What are you all eating for dessert today?

The holidays tend to focus on desserts. Some of my patients don't believe me that desserts can be healthy and delicious, but they can be...I promise! 

I love apple crisp bc it's so comforting. 

I make crisps with any type of fruit, and always choose this over fruit pies for the following reasons:
2) It can be made with less butter and still tastes great
3) Making this sugar-free can still be delicious
4) Its super easy to make
5) Allows me to use olive oil rather than butter to cut out the saturated fats!

Here's my easy recipe for apple crisp. Enjoy!

-Preheat oven to 375 
-In a separate bowl add in:
1/2  cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup steel cut oats
-Drizzle in 2 tablespoons of olive oil 
-With your hands combine the mixture making small clumps (like you would picture at the top of a crumble)

-In another bowl mix in:
4 apples cut into small chunks
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
-Mix well
-Transfer apples to a coated baking dish, and sprinkle with topping mixture 
-Bake for 60 minutes or until golden brown

Enjoy the rest of the holiday season everyone! 
More of my holiday recipes to come <3

Follow me on Instagram & Twitter: @Doctor_Deena 


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy holidays!! Here's an easy holiday recipe for yummy apple spiced mulled wine AKA the holidays in a cup!!!

Happy holidays everyone!! I hope you are all having a wonderful day with family, friends, or long as you have a smile on your face :)

During the holidays I try to reflect on what I am thankful and grateful for. After visiting India recently and spending time with the less fortunate....I keep reminding myself how lucky I am to just have the support of such a loving husband and family. I would really be nothing without them...and I would definitely not be on Instagram or have this blog if it wasn't for my husband <3 He was the one who inspired me to follow my passion for public health outreach and education through social media and the internet. Even if I can help just 1 person out there, its so worth it to me.

For me - no holiday is complete without some good ole mulled wine! I just love it. It's like the holidays in a cup - warm, cozy and yummy!

Here's my secret recipe which I don't share with many, but will share with you!

Apple spiced mulled wine:
1) In a pot combine the following ingredients:
-4 cups of apple cider
-1 bottle of red wine (I like it with Merlot)
-1 cup fresh orange juice
-Zest of one large orange
-2 cinnamon sticks
-4 star annise
-4 cloves
-1/4 cup honey
2) Bring to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes
3) You can add in an orange slice for garnish too! 

Cheers!! Let me know what you think!

Follow me on Instagram & Twitter: @Doctor_Deena 


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Pizza can be healthier when you make it at home. Here's an easy & gourmet recipe for roasted acorn squash and mushrooms with fresh mozzarella and goat cheese!

Sometimes you just crave heavier foods, like pizza, and that's OK. 
What's important is that you recognize that these foods are high calorie & to limit them when dieting.

Even the heavy foods can be made less calories in simple ways 💜

Making your own pizza at home is usually healthier than ordering one from outside.

Its easy too!

As an example, a slice of HAND-tossed Domino's pizza with mushrooms will be roughly 190 calories versus my pizza above which is around 100 calories per slice.

My friends love my pizzas, so I wanted to share this with all of you! 

Here's a gourmet recipe for mushroom pizza with fresh mozzarella and goat cheese. So yummy!
The entire pizza was roughly 1300 calories, and I cut it up into 12 slices so each slice was 110 calories.

-Preheat oven to 350
-Take a pizza crust (fresh or ready made)
-Dice up 6 cloves of garlic
-Slice up 1/2 a vidalia onion
-In a warm pan, sautee the onions in some olive oil until golden brown and add in the garlic
-Add in 1 cup of chopped mushrooms
-Add in 1 cup of chopped spinach
-Add in 1 cup of roasted acorn squash
-Add in 1 teaspoon rosemary
-Add in 1 teaspoon thyme
-Add in 1 teaspoon oregano
-Cook until mushrooms are soft
-Add salt and pepper to taste
-Brush on some olive oil onto pizza crust
-Cut up fresh mozzarella and cover the entire pizza crust with cheese
-Spoon on the mushroom and garlic mixture
-Spoon on some fresh goat cheese in between
-Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes and you are done!

Bon appetit! 

Please feel free to ask any questions! 
Email me at or ask/follow me on Twitter/Instagram @Doctor_Deena!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Recipe for roasted spicy brussel sprouts - hot, healthy & delicious!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving weekend. I'm spending the weekend down south with my lovely family. 
I contributed all the vegetable side dishes & will share all those recipes with you over the next few days! 
Unlike my family down south, there's no butter or shortenings in my recipes 😯

Those of you who know me, you know I love to experiment with spices! With so many varieties of vegetables out there, spices allow to make vegetable dishes tasty, creative & unique.

Check out this recipe for spicy brussel sprouts... it was really a crowd pleaser esp. if you want some heat! I use this as a healthy side or main dish.

I 💙 brussel sprouts bc it's low carb,  full of vitamin C and K & fiber.

Here it is:
-Preheat oven to 400
-Cut up 1½ pounds @traderjoesfans fresh brussels sprouts in halves
-Drizzle 2 tablespoons olive oil
-Drizzle 2 1/2 tablespoons of siracha
-Drizzle 1 tablespoon of  honey (can omit if you just want it spicy!)
-Add fresh lime juice from 1 lime
-Sprinkle on garlic powder
-Sprinkle on black pepper
-Toss to mix up well
-Place flesh side down on a cookie tray
-Roast for 35 minutes or until sprouts are light brown around edges
-Add salt to taste

Please feel free to ask any questions! 
Email me at or ask/follow me on Twitter/Instagram @Doctor_Deena!


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cutting Down On Added Sugars From Your Diet!

I recently blogged on the new 2015 dietary guidelines here.

Today I wanted to specifically discuss added sugars -- and how we can limit them to the recommended goal of <10% of our total daily calorie intake.

What are added sugars?

Added sugars are substances added to enhance the flavor,color and texture of a certain food or drink. Added sugars are also used as preservatives to prolong freshness. Added sugars are different from "natural sugars". Natural sugars are "naturally" found in sweet foods like fruits, vegetables, milk, honey, nectars, etc.

How can I identify added sugars?

By reading nutrition labels. 

The nutrition label is important to me for 3 things when related to added sugars:

1. Identifying the amount of sugar in the food I am consuming
2. Identifying the number of calories in the food I am consuming
3. Providing a list of ingredients that might contain added sugars

When reading the nutrition label, look for the "Total Carbohydrate" section and then the sub-section on "Sugars" to identify how many grams of sugar are present per serving. Make sure you look at the serving size, and measure out what you are eating to ensure that your serving size is correct!

How do I identify added sugars in the list of ingredients?

Sometimes added sugar will be simply labeled as "sugar" in the ingredients list.
Don't be fooled though-- added sugar is not always labeled as such. Look for other names for sugar such as:
-anhydrous dextrose
-cane juice
-corn syrup
-corn syrup solids
-fruit nectar
-fruit juice concentrate
-high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
-invert sugar
-malt syrup
-maple syrup
-nectars (e.g., peach nectar, pear nectar)
-pancake syrup

Let's take a look at everyone's favorite cereal Lucky Charms - its magically...full of sugar! See the added sugars that I have outlined in red.

What are the main sources of sugar in the American diet?

-Sugary drinks (the biggest source!)  like soda, juice drinks and flavored water 
-Candy including chocolates
-Snacks including fruit snacks, granola bars, fruit bars
-Other sweets: pastries, doughnuts, etc.
-Ice cream

What can you do to limit added sugars?

1.Start with your children early
Behaviors and food preferences develop early. How often do you see a child drinking water and not juice? Not often.
Limit your child's consumption of added sugars by not purchasing such products. Give them a bottle of water in their lunch bag instead of a juice box. Give them cut up fruits instead of a fruit roll up. For rewards use natural foods like fruits and vegetables OR non-food items like toys, music, stickers, etc. Do not use ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc. as a form of reward because they will grow up associating such foods with reward and this can influence their eating behaviors as they grow older.

2. Drink more water

 More than 4 in 10 Americans aren't drinking enough water. Choose water when you can, and carry a bottle with you at all times.

3. Choose the natural forms of sugar in fruits, vegetables, and dairy

4. Avoid processed foods as these not only contain hidden sugars, but some contain excess salt and unnatural chemicals

5. Limit added sugars to <10% of your total daily calories

  A rule of thumb is 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4 grams of sugar = 16 calories

6. When you do eat "sweets", don't over-indulge.

  Stick to 1 cookie at a single seating, maybe 1-2 times weekly.           Moderation is key.

7. Don't buy foods with added sugar at the grocery store. 

    If you don't bring it home, you can't eat it. Out of sight = out of your belly.

8. Choose healthier snack options - vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, salads

9. Don't believe food labels that say "no sugar added"

   If the ingredients list different fruit juices as an ingredient -- those separate juices may contain added sugar. Be careful!

10. Educate yourself by reading nutritional labels. They are there for a reason!

11. Eat 3 balanced meals a day with lean protein and healthy fats

      This will keep you more satisfied with less sweet cravings.

12. I don't recommend use of artificial sweetners, as this is just 

     another chemical we are introducing to our body.
13. Set realistic goals for yourself!
The goal here is to decrease your added sugar intake not to get rid of it 100% because that would be an unrealistic goal. Decrease the amount of sugar you put into your coffee over weeks. Eat 1 scoop of ice cream instead of 3 scoops for dessert. Make changes over weeks to months - as the change in your behavior will be more likely to stick that way!

13. Love juice but worried about the sugars?

     Fill up a glass with 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup juice or better yet, make a fruit smoothie with a base of water, ice, or non-fat yogurt!

14. Add spices to enhance flavor instead of sugar.

      Spices like cardamom, ginger, mint, etc. can really help step up a meal!

Do you have any tips to avoid added sugars??

Please feel free to ask any questions! Email me at or ask/follow me on Twitter/instagram @Doctor_Deena!


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Low carb healthy recipe for baked Asian mustard chicken... perfect for those with diabetes!!

I love this low carb recipe for diabetes awareness month!

I love this baked Asian mustard chicken recipe & its so easy!!
I added over some barley with brocolli 💜

In a bowl add in:
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/3 cup soy sauce
- 1/3 cup fat-free yogurt
-2 tablespoons stone ground mustard (or any mustard)
-2 teaspoons garlic powder
-1 tablespoon honey
-Add in 6-8 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
-Mix it up
-Cover & marinate overnight at least 3 hours

When ready to cook:
- Preheat oven to 375
- Place chicken on bake pan
- Bake for 30 mins or until cooked through
-Add salt and pepper to taste

Enjoy! 😻

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Healthy recipe for winter squash: roasted acorn squash w parmesan cheese = yummy, easy & delicious!

So excited for some winter squash this season!

Most varieties of squash are loaded with antioxidants, specifically carotenoids & omega 3 fatty acids. 
I think of squash as a super food in the winter since it helps boost our immune system to fight off infections during the cold weather months 😷

Try this great recipe for roasted acorn squash w parmesan cheese! 


-Preheat oven to 400 degrees
-Open up a full squash & remove all the seeds & inside fibers
-Slice up the squash into medium thickness peices (use a sharp knife!)
-Drizzle on 1 tbsp olive oil
-Sprinkle on some dry or fresh thyme
-Sprinkle on 2 tablespoons of fresh minced garlic
-Mix it up
-Sprinkle on some grated parmesan cheese
-Bake for 30 mins (until golden brown)
-Add salt and pepper to taste 😋

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Learn about the symptoms of stroke! Be FAST to make the diagnosis and get help.

In honor of World Stroke Day, let me give you the 411 on strokes. The medical term for stroke is "cerebrovascular accident" or "CVA." 

Our blood carries oxygen and delivers it to all the different cells and organs in our body. Oxygen is important for cells of our body to function normally.

A stroke is a result of decreased blood flow (leading to decreased oxygen delivery) to certain parts of the brain.

Since a stroke affects the brain, symptoms of stroke are related to functioning of the brain and include:

-Drooping of the face

-Weakness of the muscles of the face (where you can't smile, open/close eyes, open/close mouth, etc.)

-Difficulty with talking or slurred speech

-Weakness anywhere in the body, but usually the arms and/or legs

-Sudden and constant changes in vision (loss of vision, double vision, blurred vision)


-Difficulty with swallowing

-Sudden and constant dizziness and lightheadedness

I think a video is worth a thousand words and will help you remember these symptoms better. 
Check out this video of a woman having a stroke on camera:

When it comes to having a stroke, time matters. The more time you wait to see a doctor, the more brain function that you can lose! If you are concerned that you or a loved one is experiencing a stroke, dial 911 right away!

Luckily there are ways to prevent a stroke to some degree...and I will blog more on that tomorrow! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Look gourmet with this easy, quick and delicious recipe for roasted cauliflower!

Roasted cauliflower is always a crowd favorite & it's so easy to make! You just need 30 mins to roast it up 😉

1 cup is 30 calories & it's the best way to eat calories! 😋Cauliflower is also an excellent source of Vitamin C - 1 cup satisfies 77% of your daily needs! Its also a good source of protein and fiber...and you know I love fiber!

-Preheat oven to 400
-Chop up the cauliflower head into bitesize pieces 

-Drizzle with olive oil
-Sprinkle on some garlic powder
-Sprinkle on some oregano
-Sprinkle on some rosemary
-Sprinkle on some crushed red pepper (optional if you want spice!)
-MIX it up
-Roast until edges are caramel brown

-Add salt and pepper to taste

Bon appetit! So simple...yet you look gourmet :P

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Here's an easy salad recipe with chickpeas...a Meditteranean special that's easy, healthy and delicious!

Here's a complete salad made healthy with a Mediterranean twist. The chickpeas were necessary to keep this salad filling with its protein and fiber. I always recommend adding in some in legumes or high fiber vegetables to keep your salad filling... otherwise you will be hungry in an hour!


-Chop up Romaine lettuce
-Add in one cup garbanzo beans
-Add in 1/2 cup plum tomatoes
-Add in 1/3 cup feta cheese
-Add in 1/2 cup diced green pepper
-Add in 1/4 cup dried raisins
-Drizzle in some olive oil
-Drizzle on some tahini
- Add salt and pepper to taste
- Add in 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- Sprinkle on some dried basil 
- Mix it up!

As always... easy & delicious! 

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Eat more vegetables when on a diet! Here's an easy recipe that can be used with any vegetable. Less than 30 calories and less than 15 minutes to make!!

 I tell anyone on a diet to eat vegetables and greens anytime they are hungry. 

That's because:
- They are are cheap, especially when bought frozen
- They are easy to make
- They are low calorie, one cup of the non-starchy veggies can be less than 30 calories!
- Most are high in fiber which will keep you full
- They are full of important vitamins

Vegetables make an excellent snack, meal, or side dish. It's low calorie & full of vitamins!

The below recipe can be used with ANY vegetable! It takes less than 15 mins and 1 cup is less than 30 calories! I used turmeric to add more antioxidants to the mix 👍

No one will ever know these veggies came straight from the freezer! They are so good & taste fresh.

-Add 1 teaspoon olive oil to a hot pan
-Add in 1/2 diced onion & cook until light brown
-Add in 2 cloves minced garlic
-Lower heat
-Add in 1 teaspoon cumin
-Add in 1 teaspoon turmeric
-Stir & deglaze the pan if spices stick to pan
-Add in 1 bag of frozen vegetables (ANY variety)
-Sprinkle 1 teaspoon paprika
-Cover and cook for 5 minutes on low heat
-Add salt and pepper to taste

As promised.... quick & easy! 👍

As always... easy & delicious! 
Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Make salad dressing from scratch with this easy, healthy recipe in < 15 minutes- cucumber,dill, and yogurt dressing!

Do me a favor & stop buying salad dressing sold in bottles 😯

Do you ever wonder why they expire after 1 to 2 years?? It's because of all the chemicals & preservatives that are in them.

Bottled salad dressings can also can be high in fat and calories!! Making your own salad dressing is simple, easy and will save you tons of calories! It's also delicious & you can create your own flavors!

Here I've made a yogurt cucumber dill dressing in 15 mins or less! I made it with fat-free yogurt to cut even more fat and calories!

-Add 1& 1/2 cup fat-free greek yogurt to a bowl
-Add in 1/4 cup low fat milk
-Add in 1/2 cup thinly diced cucumber
-Add in 2 cloves minced garlic
-Add in 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of dill (fresh or dry)
-Add in 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
-Add in salt and pepper to taste 

Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think at and please share with friends who love salad!

As always... easy & delicious! 
Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Super foods with fiber #1: Chickpeas. Here's a delicious, quick and easy recipe for chickpeas and spinach!

Remember to combine fiber with your carbs to cut calories and stay full!

Here's an example of a super food w fiber -- chickpeas! 1 cup is 35 grams of fiber. Its also a great source of iron for those of you who are iron deficient + is loaded w protein 👍

Here I've made chickpeas with spinach. I use this as a snack, a side dish or as a topping to a salad. I basically eat it anytime I feel hungry to keep me full & its made in <15 mins 😉

-Add 2 teaspoons olive oil into a pan
-Add 6 cloves minced garlic
-Add in 1 cup chopped spinach
-Add 1 can drained and washed chickpeas
-Add in 1 teaspoon cumin
-Add in 1 teaspoon paprika
-Add in 1 teaspoon onion powder
-Add salt and pepper to taste
-Heat & stir occasionally until chickpeas are slightly softened & spinach is wilted

As always... easy & delicious! 
Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Easy, low calorie & nutritious recipe for herb roasted mushrooms!

This recipe for herb roasted mushrooms is so easy & delicious 😋
Mushrooms are an excellent source of selenium which is important for production of thyroid hormone and copper which helps to prevent anemia and protects our nerves.

Vegetables are low calorie & high in nutrition. 1 cup of mushrooms is 20 cals! 

When you are dieting, eat as many vegetables as you wish for breakfast, lunch, dinner and as a snack 🙌


-Preheat oven to 425
-In a large bowl add in 3 cups of mushrooms (any type)
-Drizzle with olive oil
-Add 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
-Add 1 teaspoon dried thyme
-Add 1 teaspoon dried oregano
-Add in 8 cloves garlic mashed and sliced thin
-Add in salt & pepper to taste
-Stir it up
-Put it on a baking tray
-Bake for 30 to 35 minutes (until brown or to desired consistency)

Tell me how you like this and please tag me in recipes you try ... it makes my day to know you are trying to be healthy too!! 💙

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more healthy & easy diet tips!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Weightloss and diet tips to cut calories! Here's some easy tips for portion control!

I share weightloss tips with my patients every single day, and I want to share a few of them with all of you.

Cutting your portion size can really help with weightloss! The less food on your plate, the less calories you consume... it's that simple! 🍴

Try these tips to cut down your calorie intake:
-Always use a SMALL plate instead of a LARGE plate. 

Like this small plate (pictured with food) in comparison to the larger plate which is 2-3 times its size:

-Eat S-L-O-W-L-Y to give your brain time to process what you are eating

-Allow yourself to eat only 1/2 of a second helping if you are still hungry

-Drink plenty of water between bites so that you get full faster & your hunger signal goes away!

-Don't bring pots of food to the table. The table should just be for your plate and utensils. I always keep my pots on the kitchen stove. The farther it is from your reach, the less likely you will put more food in your plate.

Hope that helps some of you reach your weight loss goals!

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter @Doctor_Deena for more health & easy diet tips!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

We will never forget September 11th but for some people the health-related effects from September 11th will never let their daily life be the same...even 15 years later.

Every New Yorker, like me, remembers exactly where they were on September 11, 2001 when the news of the terror attacks consumed us.

On the 15th anniversary of September 11th - a day that will be engraved in my mind and heart forever (writing this even gives me chills and makes me emotional) - I wanted to dedicate a post to this tragic day and how it is still affecting so many people every single day in ways that you might not realize.

What people may not know is that in addition to the lives lost on 9/11, there are many people who have developed illnesses as a result of their exposure to harmful chemicals in the air that day. Chemicals that we consider "carcinogenic" (aka cancer causing). 
These chemicals came from the dust, smoke and aerosols that were emitted into the air as a result of the structural destruction of the twin towers.  
According to JAMA - these chemicals include asbestos, silica, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and numerous metals.

The NYC Department of Health created a WTC Health Registry to study the long-term effects of the attack on area workers, residents, students and first-responders. Currently there are over 71,000 registrants. 

Here's some of the most common WTC-Related health conditions that have been diagnosed in many registrants directly linked to 9/11:

1. Mental Health Conditions
As expected many registrants have developed mental illness either from direct exposure to the 9/11 catastrophe (i.e. working on site, trying to escape, etc.) or indirectly (i.e. through the loss of a family member, colleague, etc.). 
These illnesses include:
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
-General Anxiety Disorder
-Alcohol & Substance Abuse 

2. Lung Conditions
As a result of breathing in dust and chemicals in the air, many people developed reactive airway disease. 
Its reported that within 6 years, 1 in 10 registrants developed asthma! 
-Decline in lung function
Most common in firefighters and EMS workers who were directly on site breathing in all these chemicals and debris

3. Cancer
It's difficult to prove cause and effect when it comes to development of cancer (since cancer may be a slow process to develop, is difficult to screen for, has many other associated risk factors, etc.); however, a recent study in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine found that for all types of cancer combined from 2007-2011, there were 11 percent more cancer cases than expected among rescue/recovery workers, and 8 percent more among civilian survivors compared with the New York State general population.
These cancers include:
-Prostate cancer (most common)
-Thyroid cancer (2nd most common)
-Multiple Myeloma
-Breast cancer
-Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Only time will tell what other medical conditions these innocent civilians and self-less first responders will develop. 

Luckily, there is government help for those who might have developed a condition due to 9/11. Visit the World Trade Center Health Program to learn more:

Its so sad to think of how one event has changed our lives forever and CONTINUES to affect us.
I have some first-responder patients who are part of this WTC registry and when I had the courage to ask them if they have any regrets - most of their answers are "no". It just proves how remarkable these people are.

To all those first-responders on 9/11:
Thank you for your heroism and all that you did to help so many people that day. You are genuine heroes. 
You put the lives of strangers first, something that people are too selfish to ever do. 
Thank you for your kindness and making us believe in the good of humanity despite the most evil day that I have ever witnessed in my entire life.
For those of you unlucky enough to have developed a health condition due to 9/11 -- I pray for recovery and hopeful remission. 
May God bless all of you.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Deena