Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!  My patient's call me Dr. Deena and I am a physician in New York City. I received my M.D. degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Yale University, where I developed a strong interest in primary care and preventative medicine.

The goal of my blog is to answer all your health-related questions with easy explanations, and to break down complex topics into basic concepts.  I hope to help you understand the unfamiliar medical jargon spoken by healthcare professionals and to shed light on symptoms or illnesses that you are trying to learn more about through the internet.

It has been my passion to educate the public on medical topics, health & beauty, and living wellness. I have many friends and colleagues who ask me questions every day, so I figured I should spread the information since many of you might have the same questions. 

I would love to help in any way that I can. Please email all questions to DoctorDeenaMD@gmail.com and feel free to leave comments.


  1. Dr. Deena, I read your comments to the NYTimes story titled, "The Boy With a Thorn in His Joints." I am VERY glad that you mentioned how important medicine is in the child's situation.

    I have had JRA since the age of five and I am now fifty-eight; confined to a wheelchair since ten. JRA can be devastating if not treated properly. I my case, there were no bio treatments as we have today.

    It hurts me so bad to see the 'alternative' parents so up at meetings or in stories stating how they are treating their child with alternative medicine. Once I make sure they get a good look at my advanced state of decay I make sure they understand what is to come if not properly treated.

    Thanks again,
    Dave Masters
    Plano, TX

  2. Dear Mr. Masters,
    I cannot imagine what you have gone through these past few years. Your story is an inspiration to so many who suffer from any chronic disease.
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It truly means the world to me, especially when I see how strongly some people feel about medications and medical doctors.
    Luckily today there are many options for children with JRA, so they don't have to suffer the way that you did. It is amazing how much we can learn and have learned from patients like yourself.
    Thank you so much again for your story. I will hold it with me throughout my journey as I blog....as a reminder to continue to stay strong in the midst of any opposition.
    I wish you all the best in life, and your health. Please feel to reach out if you need any medical advice.
    Thank you so much for your kind words again.
    Dr. Deena
